| Mon Sep 1 | Tue Sep 2 | Wed Sep 3 | Thu Sep 4 | Fri Sep 5 | Sat Sep 6 | Sun Sep 7 |
Link opens for online submission of course feedback
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18:00 Tutorial Class of CH2102 course
18:00 Extra Class
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8:00hr | | | | | | | |
9:00hr | | | |
09:30 On Asian Academic Seminar
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10:00hr | | | | | | | |
11:00hr |
11:00 Meeting regrading data upload on MHRD website
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11:00 Pre submission Viva Voce of Mr.Chanchal Hazra
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12:00hr | |
12:00 Booked by Accounts
12:00 38th BWC Meeting
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13:00hr |
13:00 Pre-subimission Viva Voce of Sibasree Karmakar
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14:00hr | |
14:00 Group Meeting of Dr.Prasun Mandal
14:30 DES Seminar (reserved)
14:00 Tutorial LS4103
14:00 DMS Seminar (reserved)
14:00 DCS Seminar (reserved)
14:00 DBS Seminar (reserved)
14:30 Booked By Director,IISER KOLKATA
14:45 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Sai Vinjanampathy (National University of Singapore)
14:00 LS5102
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15:00hr | | |
15:00 DBS departmental meeting
15:00 DPS meeting
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16:00hr |
16:30 DBS faculty Meeting
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16:00 Selection committee for students' travel grant
16:30 Cash: Updates and Orientation Programme
16:45 [Faculty Colloquium] Dr. Supriyo Mitra (IISER Kolakta)
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17:00hr | | | |
17:00 Group Meeting of Dr. Sayan Bhattacharyya
17:00 Problem session for the course MA2102
17:30 Tutorial Class of CH2102 course
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