Events @IISER Kolkata
Apr 2015

Apr 13
Apr 14
Apr 15
Apr 16
Apr 17
Apr 18
Apr 19
  Project presentation for BS-MS and IP Students begins
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
Seminar course/ Project presntation
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:00 Group Meeting of Dr.Sayan Bhattacharyya
18:00 MA3205
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 Journal Club seminar Department of Physical Sciences
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
18:30 EK PEHAL Institute Outreach Activity
  Last date for online submission of end-semester feedback
9:00hr     09:00 Thesis presentation of DCS
09:30 Lab Meeting of Dr.Swadhin K Mondal
10:00hr 10:00 Vendor Selection Meeting
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
  10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:15 Booked by Dr.Ananda Dasgupta
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:00 MS Thesis Defence
10:30 Review meeting on electrical works
11:00hr   11:30 Viva voce of Sibasree Karmakar
11:00 BS MS thesis presentataion
11:00 PGAC Meeting
11:00 Pre Submission Viva of Ms.Dyuti Bhattacharya
11:00 Post Doc interview under National Centre for High Pressure Studies
12:00hr   12:00 MS Thesis Defence
12:00 MS Thesis Defence
12:00 BS MS Thesis presention
12:00 MS Thesis Defence
12:00 MS Thesis Defence
12:00 MS Thesis Defence
12:00 MS Thesis Defence
13:00hr    13:00 MS thesis presentations of Sandipan Dasgupta
13:00 [Extra class CH3203] D. Chaudhuri
14:00hr 14:00 MS Thesis Defence
14:00 MS Thesis Defence
   14:00 MS Thesis Defence
14:00 MS Thesis Defence
14:00 MS Thesis Defence
14:00 DCS Theisi Presentation
15:00hr 15:00 [Institutes Special Lecture] Prof. Philip Maini (University of Oxford)
15:00 MS Thesis Defence
15:00 MS Thesis Defence
  15:00 Post Doctoral fellow's evaluation meeting
15:00 MS Thesis Defence
15:00 MS Thesis Defence
15:00 DMS Seminar (reserved)
15:00 DES Seminar (reserved)
  15:00 MS Thesis Defence
16:00hr 16:00 MS Thesis Defence
16:00 MS Thesis Defence
  16:00 Lab Meeting of Dr.Anindita Bhadra
16:00 DBS Seminar (reserved)
16:00 Post Doc Evaluation bu Dr.Subhasish Sinha
16:00 [DCS Seminar] Abhishek Dey (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,)
17:00hr    17:00 [DES Seminar] Dr. Jitendra Kumar Pattanaik (IISER-K)
