| Mon Jun 27 | Tue Jun 28 | Wed Jun 29 | Thu Jun 30 | Fri Jul 1 | Sat Jul 2 | Sun Jul 3 |
06:00 JAC question paper printing
Convocation 2016, Chief Guest - Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi
06:00 JAC question paper printing
06:00 JAC question paper printing
19:00 group meeting of AM LAB
06:00 JAC question paper printing
18:45 DPS Journal Club
06:00 JAC question paper printing
07:00 JAC 2016 related activities
06:00 JAC question paper printing
07:00 JAC 2016 related activities
06:00 JAC question paper printing
07:00 JAC 2016 related activities
8:00hr | | | | | | | |
9:00hr | | | | | | | |
10:00hr | | | |
10:30 Purchse Commiitte meeting
10:30 nterview to be conducted by Dr. Prasun Mandal for an RA position for his laboratory
10:00 [SKM Group meeting] students
11:00hr | | | |
11:00 Project student will give seminar
11:00 Concluding ceremony of summer camp (The Bud)
11:30 group meeting of AM LAB
12:00hr | | | | |
12:00 JAC Briefing
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13:00hr | | | | | | | |
14:00hr | | | |
14:00 [DMS Seminar] Ranjit Mehatari (IISER Kolkata)
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15:00hr | | |
15:00 Ant Lab seminar
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16:00hr | | | | |
16:00 DCS UGAC meeting
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17:00hr | | | | | | | |