| Mon Aug 1 | Tue Aug 2 | Wed Aug 3 | Thu Aug 4 | Fri Aug 5 | Sat Aug 6 | Sun Aug 7 |
Classes Start for 1st year BS - MS students
Orientation of New BS - MS, IPhD and PhD students
18:00 Mess Committee Meeting
19:00 Meeting By DOSA Office
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8:00hr | | | | | | | |
9:00hr |
09:00 New BS-MS student Orientation
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10:00hr | |
10:00 [PH3104/PH3105 Orientation] Prof. Soumitro Banerjee & Dr. Ritesh Singh (DPS)
10:00 Rehearsal of President talk
10:00 Rehearsal of President talk
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11:00hr | | |
11:00 [DPS Seminar] Prof. Milan K. Sanyal
11:30 Extra class
11:00 Viva voce of Mutyala Ganivada Naidu
11:00 Special class of Dr. Tapabrata Sarkar
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12:00hr | | | | | | | |
13:00hr | | | | |
13:00 Physics I tutorial
13:30 Extra class
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14:00hr | |
14:00 Extra Class of MA5108
14:30 [DBS Seminar] Dr. Papri Banerjee's (C-CAMP, Bangalore)
14:00 [Pre-submission viva voce] Debmalya Chakraborty (DPS)
14:00 Extra Class of MA5108
14:00 [Scientific Discussion Meeting] C Malla Reddy (IISER Kolkata)
15:00hr | | |
15:00 [DMS Seminar] Dr Swarnendu Sil (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland)
15:00 [DBS seminar presentation] Mr.Tamal Roy (IISER Kolkata)
15:00 Room Booked by Dr. Ayan Banerjee
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16:00hr | |
16:00 Tutorial for MA5106
16:00 9th PC Meeting
16:00 Tutorial for MA5106
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17:00hr |
17:00 DES Orientataion
17:30 [DBS talk] Dr Papri Banerjee (C-CAMP)
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17:00 [DES Seminar] Prof. S.K. Bhattacharya (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
17:30 Meeting by Dr.Sayan Bhattacharyya
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