| Mon Aug 22 | Tue Aug 23 | Wed Aug 24 | Thu Aug 25 | Fri Aug 26 | Sat Aug 27 | Sun Aug 28 |
18:00 Farewell and Freshers of RS (DPS)
18:00 Extra class by Dr. Supratim Sengupta
18:00 Room Booked by DoSA office
18:00 Group Meeting By Dr.Sayan Bhattacharyya
18:00 Events by Nature & Literary Clubs
18:00 '' Azaadi 70 '' ''Independence 70'' by SAC Academic
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8:00hr | | | | | | | |
9:00hr | | | | | | | |
10:00hr | | |
10:30 [DMS-PDE Seminar] Dr Abhishek Sarkar (Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Universite de Lorraine, France)
10:00 Lab group meeting of Dr Rahul Das
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11:00hr |
11:45 JRF To SRF interview of Primtam Ghosh
11:30 [DMS-PDE Seminar] Dr Saikat Mazumdar (NTIS/ZCU, Czech Republic)
11:00 class test by Dr SS Roy
11:30 Group Meeting By Dr. A K Roy
11:30 AM Lab group meeting
12:00hr |
12:00 JRF to SRF interview of Ms Shritama Aich
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12:00 ICLS meeting
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13:00hr |
13:00 Room Reserved by Earth Science
13:00 Class Test of ID4107
13:30 [DMS-PDE Seminar] Dr Ananta Kumar Majee (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Tübingen, Germany)
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14:00hr |
14:15 [DES Seminar] Prof. Saibal Gupta (IIT Kharagpur)
14:30 Viva voce of Ajay Chauhan
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15:00hr | |
15:00 [DES Seminar] Mr. Pritam Ghosh (IISER Kolkata)
15:00 Extra class of Dr. Tapabrato Sarkar
15:30 Viva voce of Y Pavan Kumar
15:00 Comprehensive Viva and Seminar for the PhD students DCS
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16:00hr |
16:00 [DMS Seminar] Dr Koushik Maharatna (University of Southampton, UK)
16:00 [Student Seminar] Manabi Paul (DBS)
16:00 Tutorial for MA5106
16:00 Extra Class of ES4101
16:30 [DCS seminar] Professor R. N. Mukherjee (IISER Kolkata)
16:00 [DCS Seminar] Prof. Prasanta Kumar Das (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)
16:00 Class Test of ES2102
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17:00hr | | | | | | | |