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We report the experimental observations of long-range molecular Rydberg states using a state-of-the-art velocity slice imaging technique. Here, the extracted slice images attributing the anionic probability density directly map with the Rydberg electron's probability distribution. The presentation will differentiate between ordinary excitation of molecules and excited molecules in the super-excited ionization continuum with Ryberg's character. We briefly discuss how the Trilobite and Butterfly resemble novel ion-pair binding mechanisms manifested by Fermi's idea of ion-pair pseudopotential. Generally, scientists used costly MOT-based detuned laser-cooled ultra-cold setups (1997 Nobel prize by famous Cohen-Tannoudji ) to probe such ultralong phenomena by extracting the Fine-structures transitional properties. However, the MOT freezes the vibrational motion, and a single bound anion does not attribute any cooling temperature, which could be the finest rationale for observing low energy electron-induced ion-pair dissociation to 'Trilobite and Butterfly' resembling long-range molecular Rydberg states that possess high amplitude of vibrations. |