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Advanced 3D- X-ray microscopy
The penetrability of X-rays offers possibili:es of chemical and orienta:on specific imaging of extended
samples and has for a long :me been used for materials studies. The development of X-ray
a,enua:on-contrast computed tomography (CT) allowing three-dimensional (3D) non-destruc:ve
imaging of materials and biological :ssues, are one of the major scien:fic achievements in the 20th
century. In recent :mes, there has been a significant surge in interest in computa(onal X-ray
microscopy, where images are reconstructed, enhanced, analyzed, and visualized by numerical
algorithms. Par:cularly, diffrac:on/ sca,ering-based X-ray methods have rapidly advanced thanks to
the introduc:on of new synchrotron sources, detectors, algorithms, and data analysis strategies. The
societal relevance of these techniques is evident in various fields, with examples in characteriza:on of
func:onal materials for electronics, understanding of bio-mineraliza:on, ground water resource
management, and underground CO2 storage. This presenta:on will discuss the methodological
advances in computa(onal X-ray microscopy, focusing specifically on X-ray diffrac:on CT (XRD-CT) and
coherent X-ray diffrac:on imaging (CXDI), while providing representa:ve examples to illustrate their
applica:ons. |