| Mon Sep 2 | Tue Sep 3 | Wed Sep 4 | Thu Sep 5 | Fri Sep 6 | Sat Sep 7 | Sun Sep 8 |
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
20:00 Rehearsal for annual production
18:00 LS2102 practical course
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 [Extra make up Class] Shirshendu Chowdhury
20:00 Rehearsal for annual production
21:00 23 MS+24 MS Orientation
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
20:30 Gaming Club
21:00 Identity, Maths Club orientation
05:00 Teachers Day 2024
18:45 [Group meeting] BM
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
01:00 Workshop & Annual Production
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Tutorial for CH2102 course
19:00 Orientation for 24MS batch
20:00 Gaming Club
20:00 Gaming Club
20:00 Movie Screening
21:00 Architecture Drawing Workshop
18:00 [Extra make up Class] Shirshendu Chowdhury
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
20:00 Movie Screening
20:30 Quiz Club
22:00 Workshop & Annual Production
18:00 Orientation for 24MS batch
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
19:00 Ek Pahal Classes
20:00 Movie Screening
8:00hr | | |
08:00 Class test CH2105
08:00 RISE Foundation meeting
08:00 RISE Foundation meeting
08:00 RISE Foundation meeting
08:00 RISE Foundation meeting
9:00hr | |
09:00 [LS4103] Mohit Prasad (IISER K)
09:30 SDS group meeting
09:00 [Group meeting] BM
| |
09:00 Intra Model United Nations Conferenc
09:00 Intra Model United Nations Conferenc
10:00hr |
10:00 [RPC] Titir Mukherjee
10:00 [Learning seminar on Morse Theory] Saurasish Karmakar
10:00 [Theory Physics 1 Course] Dr. Ananda Dasgupta
10:00 JNV School Students Visit
10:00 DMS Teachers Day
10:00 Workshop & Annual Production
10:00 Introduction to Competitive Coding
10:00 Workshop & Annual Production
10:00 Digital Art Workshop
11:00hr | | |
11:00 [MA 4102: Functional Analysis] Saugata Bandyopadhyay (DMS)
11:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. Bipul Pal
11:00 [Independent Study] Rangeet Bhattacharyya (DPS, IISER Kolkata)
11:00 Admin meeting
11:30 HAC Meeting
11:00 Swadhin Kumar Mandal Sir's lab
12:00hr |
12:00 [RPC] Anita Pahi
12:30 Class test MA3104
12:00 Meeting of waste management
| | |
13:00hr |
13:30 Medical Committee meeting
13:30 Lunch for visiting students
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13:00 Workshop & Annual Production
13:00 Class for the course MA3109
13:30 LS2102 (theory part)
14:00hr |
14:30 [Group Meeting] Dr. Rumi De
14:00 Internal Finance & Budget Committee
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Raghunath Ghara (IISER Kolkata)
| |
14:00 Gluon - The Physics Journal Club
15:00hr | | |
15:00 [Institute Colloquium] Prof. S.P. Mukherjee
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
15:00 [Identity, Maths Club seminar] Prateek Kumar Biswakarma
15:00 Meeting with Director, and S&P
15:00 Generative Art Workshop
16:00hr | | |
16:00 DBS Seminar
16:00 Class for HU4103
16:15 [DMS seminar] Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
16:00 Outreach Committee meeting
16:00 [Discussion meeting of PM Lab] Prasun Mandal (IISER Kolkata)
16:00 24 MS Orientation
17:00hr |
17:00 PH3101 class test
17:30 MA1101 bridge class
17:30 Request by Prof. Prasanta Sanyal
17:00 Teachers Day 2024
17:00 Teachers Day 2024
17:00 [CH4115 class test] Sayan Bhattacharyya (IISER Kolkata)
17:30 Alumni meetup session
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