Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
10:00 KVPY Online Test Meeting
11:00 Meeting of Dean / HoDs
11:00 Audit Meeting
13:30 [DMS Seminar] Dr Nagaiah Chamakuri (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Austria)
17:15 Meeting on manpower planning
10:00 Dr.Rumi De course presentation
10:30 Meeting on permanent campus construction planning and execution
11:00 JRF interview convened by Dr.Amlan K . Roy
11:00 Extra class for LS4103
13:30 Exam will be conducted By Dr.Rituparna SinhaRoy
15:00 Meeting / Recruitment of contractual staff (through Agency)
17:15 JAC Meeting
18:00 Class test of MA2101
18:30 Extra class MA 3101
15:30 Pharmacy EOI Meeting
17:00 [DES Seminar] Dr. Gopal K. Pradhan (Department of Physics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar)
18:30 for journal club,DPS
10:30 Meeting regarding Admin Block Allocation
12:00 [DCS Seminar] Aharon Gedanken (Bar-Ilan University,)
15:00 CC Meeting
18:15 Class test of 2nd year MA2202
12:30 Meeting of GIAN
16:00 CH1101 (Tutorial, Gr.B)
16:00 [Institute Seminar] Prof. Aravinda Chakravarti (Johns Hopkins University)
17:00 Meeting of Vijyoshi Brochure / Invitation Sub Committee
17:45 Meeting of GIAN
11:00 DCS Faculty Meeting with HoD
12:30 Meeting of Vijyoshi Registration Sub Committee
15:00 Meeting Regarding Faculty Screening
13:00 Purchase Committee meeting
14:00 Meeting regarding EOI for Research Block lab furniture
15:00 [DCS seminar] Dr. Moumita Majumder (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA)
15:30 PGAC Meeting
16:00 2nd Meeting of Vijyoshi Camp 2015
18:30 for journal club,DPS
Last date of online submission of End - Semester feedback
10:00 PH3105: End-sem exam [Session 1]
14:30 PH3105: End-sem exam [Session 2]
17:45 quiz-ma3101
11:00 Meeting Convened by Dofa
16:00 Ishan Vikas Programme - December 2015
10:00 Meeting - vendor empanelment for medicine supply
10:30 Class test
11:30 Meeting regarding purcahse of furniture for academic building
14:30 IEC and IC-SCRT meetings
15:00 Hindi Implementation Committee Meeting
17:45 PH4101 Class Test
11:00 MA4104 seminar
11:30 [DPS Seminar] Prof. Bhupendra N. Dev (Department of Material Science, IACS, Kolkata)
13:30 LS4104 exam
14:30 [DBS Seminar] Professor.Tapas Kundu (JNCASR, Bangalore)
15:00 [DMS Seminar] Dr Somnath Basu (Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University)
15:00 CPWD with IWD Meeting
15:00 Meeting Convened by Dr.Sushmita Bhattacharjee(AR (A))
16:30 Meeting on guideline
11:00 Class test LS3015
14:00 Lab furniture procurement meeting
14:00 LS4106 Cognition Course Student Seminar Presentations
15:00 [Nobel Lecture: Physics] Prof. Sourov Roy (Department of Theoretical Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)
18:30 for journal club,DPS
Lab : End - Semester Exam ends
Last date for online submission of elective course choice
10:30 RSC committee meeting
11:00 Deans,Hods Meeting with Director
15:00 Academic Guideline
15:00 End-sem for CH3105
18:00 Class Test MA3101
10:00 Class test of PH3103
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
11:00 CC Meeting
12:00 Meeting Regarding Ishan Vikas Programme - December 2015
15:00 राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति
16:00 ERP Meeting
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
11:00 ERP Meeting
16:00 Meeting related to partitions in the Research Block
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 RSC Meeting
16:30 [DCS Seminar] Dr Graeme Hogarth (King’s College London)
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:00 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 3rd, 4th, & 5th years BS - MS, MS by Research, IPhD and PhD Students
Theory : End - Semester Exam - 1st & 2nd years BS - MS Students
09:30 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
09:30 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
11:00 Meeting on Guidelines (Medical)
13:30 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
13:30 Autumn End- Sem Exam 2015
15:00 Ishan Bikash
16:00 3rd Meeting of Vijyoshi Camp
16:30 DES Seminar
17:00 [DES Seminar] Dr SUKANTA DEY (Indian School of Mines)
18:00 DES Seminar