Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
11:00 [CH4209] Mousumi Das
11:00 [Sorting the faculty applications] Prof. Bipul Pal
13:00 [AG lab meeting] AG lab meeting
17:30 AFML group meeting
21:00 RB Lab Meet
11:00 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
11:00 Mess related meeting
11:00 Director's meet with CCC Members
11:30 JDS Lab Meeting
12:00 [Industry-Academia Interaction] Dr. Shubham Sharma (Pfizer (USA))
13:30 [MA5204] Subrata Shyam Roy
14:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. P. K. Mohanty
16:00 DSK Lab Meeting
17:00 Orientation Prog DCS PhD
20:30 Spicmacay Virasat 24 CinemaScreening
08:45 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
09:00 [Mac Leods Interviews] Dibyendu Das
10:00 MA3201 Class
11:00 [SNG lab group meeting] SNG lab group meeting (DBS)
11:00 Meeting with the Director
11:00 [CH3203] Pradipta Purkayastha
11:00 [Institute Colloquium] Dr. Sharani Roy (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
14:00 [First year practical class] Debasish Haldar (IISER-K)
14:00 [DMS seminar] Priyam Das (Virginia Commonwealth University)
14:00 Orientation of DPS Ph.D Students
14:00 DBS meeting
14:30 [DPS Colloquium] Professor Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford, UK)
15:00 [DMS Seminar] Subhajit Ghosh (Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
16:00 seminar
16:00 [DBS Seminar] Dr. Anuradha Bhat (Associate Professor, DBS, IISER Kolkata)
18:00 [Meeting with Students_DDas] Dibyendu Das
20:30 Spicmacay Virasat 24 CinemaScreening
11:00 Meeting with the Director
11:00 PhD Orientation (DBS)
12:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
14:00 [Group allocation for PH4201] Bipul Pal, Nirmalya ghosh (IISER Kolkata)
14:00 [DES and NCHPS Seminar] Dr. Pinku Saha (ETH Zurich)
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Prof. Samir Mandal (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum)
15:00 [Dog Lab me] Multiple (DBS)
15:00 [DBS Seminar] Ms. Samarpita Sen (Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge)
16:00 [Institute Colloquium] Prof. Biman Bagchi (IISC Bangalore)
18:30 Valence Event
19:00 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
20:30 Spicmacay Virasat 24 CinemaScreening
10:00 RD Lab Meeting
10:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
11:00 Group Meeting-SBN
11:00 Outreach Committee Meeting
11:30 PKM Lab meeting
12:00 [Mock Presentation] Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
12:00 NIRF Committee Meeting
13:30 DPS Faculty Meeting
14:00 AKT lab meet
17:00 [MA 4201 class and tutorial] Sushil Gorai
18:15 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
19:00 Astronomy Club Talk
21:00 Movie Screening- Little People
11:00 Lab Meeting (Prof. A K Roy)
11:00 PhD Viva-voce
14:00 JRF to SRF Seminar and Viva
14:30 [Presentation] Soumik Aon
16:00 ALUMNI MEET 2023
16:00 DCS Seminar
17:00 AB Lab Meet
18:00 Literary Club of IISER Kolkata
18:00 RS Lab Meet
14:00 [Pre- Submission] Student of Dipjyoti Sir (DBS, IISER Kolkata)
21:00 Movie Screening- Tusk
03:00 PP Lab Meet
10:00 PKM Lab meet
11:00 Meeting with the Director
11:30 [Mock Presentation] Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
13:00 [RPC] Mr. Rupam Paul (DBS, IISER Kolkata)
14:00 [course LS3205] course LS3205
15:00 Meeting of the Medical Committee
15:00 [OPTICA Student chapter] Dr. Abhishek Kumar (JNCASR)
17:30 AFML group meeting
18:00 [PH2203 Extra Class] Arindam Kundagrami
21:00 RB Lab Meet
09:00 [MA 4202: ODE] Saugata Bandyopadhyay (DMS)
10:00 [PH3205] Rangeet Bhattacharyya
10:00 AKT lab meet
10:15 SDS group meeting
11:00 Meeting with the Director
11:00 [PH4203] Bhavtosh Bansal
11:00 [Pre-submission Seminar] Tanima Duary (DPS IISER Kolkata)
13:30 [MA5204] Subrata Shyam Roy
14:00 Invited Talk by Dr. A K Bukhsh
14:00 PM Lab Meet
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
15:00 [Theory lecture for PH4201] Nirmalya Ghosh (IISER Kolkata)
15:00 [DCS Visitor Seminar] Dr. Avijit Shee (Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley)
16:30 [RPC presentation of Soumik Aon] Soumik Aon
18:00 Group meeting
08:45 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
08:45 [Mac Leods Pharma] DD
09:00 [Mac Leods interviews waiting room] Dibyendu Das
10:00 IFAC meeting
10:00 MA3201 Class
10:45 [Mac Leods Interviews] Dibyendu Das
11:00 [Pre-submission seminar] Devendra Mayurdhwaj Sanke (PI: Sanjio Zade) (IISER-K)
12:00 Meeting for faculty applicants short
12:00 Meeting (Write-off Committee)
13:00 [AG lab meeting] AG lab meeting
14:00 [CH4209 Extra Class] Mousumi Das
14:00 Pm lab meet
14:00 CH3204 Extra class
14:30 [Earth-The Journal Club Student Talk] Mr. Arijit Chakraborty (IISER Kolkata)
14:30 DFAC meeting for internal promotions
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Manaswita Kar (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)
14:45 [Seminar and interaction session] Dr. Pratap Reddy (Mac Leods Pharma)
15:30 [DMS Seminar] Satwata Hans (Penn State University)
16:00 [SD lab meeting] SD lab meeting
16:00 [extra class] Satyaki
16:00 [DBS Seminar] Prof. Jeffrey H. Withey (Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, USA)
17:00 Meeting with Director (IICM Team)
08:00 International Conference (NaMoSBio)
10:00 RD Lab Meeting
10:30 [Group Talk] Dr. Sukannya Bhattachrya (University of Padova)
11:00 Meeting with the Director
14:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
14:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. P. K. Mohanty
14:30 [Theory lecture for PH4201] Nirmalya Ghosh and Bipul Pal
15:00 Meeting by the IWD Office
16:00 [Gluon - The Physics Journal Club] Shashwat Kumar, Systems Engineering (University of Virginia, USA)
17:00 [CH3202 Extra Class] Dibyendu Das
17:00 [LS4206 - hands-on training] Babu Sudhamalla
18:00 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
18:15 [Student interaction] Prof. Samir Kumar Brahmachari (Former DG CSIR)
20:30 mock presentation
08:00 2nd Annual Meeting Bengal Topology
08:00 International Conference (NaMoSBio)
11:00 Meeting with the Director
11:00 [Institute Colloquium] Prof. Samir Kumar Brahmachari (Former DG CSIR)
12:00 NEP Implementation Committee Meeting
12:00 [Group Meeting] Dr. Bheemalingam Chittari
13:30 [Meeting] Dr. Rituparna (DBS, IISERK)
14:00 BM Lab Meet
15:00 [DBS Seminar] Dr. Swarnendu Banerjee (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
18:15 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
20:00 Quiz Club of IISER Kolkata
20:00 Movie Screening - SOLARIS
21:00 Photography Club of IISER Kolkata
08:00 International Conference (NaMoSBio)
09:00 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
10:00 Matlab Handson Workshop
11:00 Lab Meeting (Prof. A K Roy)
14:00 Exoplanet Workshop
16:00 Group Meeting-SBN
17:00 AB Lab Meet
18:00 Literary Club of IISER Kolkata
20:00 Quiz Club of IISER Kolkata
20:00 Movie Screening - 12th FAIL
08:00 International Conference (NaMoSBio)
14:00 Introductory LaTeX workshop part II
14:00 IISERK Cricket Club
20:00 Movie Screening - Serendipity
09:00 Institute Outreach
11:00 Meeting convened by Director
12:00 [AG lab meeting] AG lab meeting
14:00 [computer practical class for PH4202] Pradeep Kumar Mohanty
15:00 SKM Lab Meet
16:00 [Gluon - The Physics Journal Club] Mr. Rituparno Chowdhury, IISERK Alumnus, PhD Student (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University)
16:00 Meeting for waste management committ
17:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
17:00 RB Lab Meet
17:30 AFML group meeting
18:00 Mock Presentations
20:30 SKM Lab Meet
21:00 RB Lab Meet
10:15 SDS group meeting
11:00 Meeting convened by Director
12:00 RPC
14:00 DM Lab Meet
14:00 RPC - Ananya Biswas
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Pranay Mandal (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany)
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
15:00 [Talk on Millet based Production] Dr. Sibaji Banerjee (B.C.K.V.V)
16:00 Meeting with DPS Research Scholars
17:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
17:00 AB Lab Meet
17:00 [MA4207] Koel Das (DMS)
18:00 DC Lab Meet
21:30 SKM Lab meet
08:00 DBS Day
08:45 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
09:00 [DBS Day] DBS Day
11:00 Meeting convened by Director
11:00 [DCS Visitor Seminar] Dr. Bijit Mukherjee (Durham University)
12:00 [Reviewing the assistant professor ap] Prof. Bipul Pal
13:00 [AG lab meeting] AG lab meeting
14:30 Admin Meeting
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Mrinal Sarkar (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
16:00 SSG Lab Meet
16:00 [CH4204] Sumit Khanra
16:00 AM Lab Meet
18:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
23:00 AD Lab Meet
08:00 RPC Day DCS - 1
10:00 CPCB Workshop
10:30 High energy Physics Group discussion
10:30 Student interaction with dcs chair
11:00 Meeting by CDC
11:00 Meeting by the Director
11:30 [Pre-Submission Seminar] Mr. Bishnupada Ghosh, Roll No. 16RS017 (IISER-K)
12:00 UGAC Meeting
13:00 Class room maintenance
14:00 [ES4201] Tarun Kumar Dalai
14:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. P. K. Mohanty
14:00 CH4201 Tutorial
14:30 [Pre-Submission Seminar] Mr. Subhadip Manna, 16RS021 (IISER-K)
15:00 CH4201 Tutorial
15:00 CH4201 Tutorial
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
16:00 [DCS Seminar] Prof Pradyut Ghosh (IACS Kolkata)
17:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
18:15 Group meeting
18:30 Table Tennis Club of IISER Kolkata
19:00 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
23:00 SSG Lab Meet
08:00 RPC Day DCS - 2
10:00 DMS Poster Presentation
11:00 Meeting by the Director
11:30 [Pre-Submission Seminar] Mr. Aabir Mukhopadhyay, 16IP019 (IISER-K)
12:00 Screening Committee Meeting
15:00 AM Lab Meet
15:00 Group Meeting-SBN
16:00 DPS Research Meet
16:00 DM Lab Meet
16:00 [Venkat lab group meeting] Venkat
17:00 Spicmacay Virasat - 24
20:00 Quiz Club of IISER Kolkata
20:00 Movie Screening - Killers of the Flo
08:00 DMS DAY
09:00 DPS Research Meet
09:00 PD Lab Meet
10:00 Matlab Handson Workshop
11:00 Group Meeting by Prof. A K Roy Lab's
14:30 [CH3206 CT1 checking] Sayan Bhattacharyya
15:00 [Discussion meeting of PM Lab] Prasun Mandal
16:00 Slashdot Coding and Design Club
17:00 AB Lab Meet
18:00 Office Bearer /Core Committee Electi
20:00 Quiz Club of IISER Kolkata
20:45 Movie Screening - Samsera
09:00 Bird Watching Workshop
15:00 Internship opportunities inAstronomy
20:00 Movie Screening - Baraka
11:00 Meeting convened by Director
11:45 RPC meetings
12:30 [RPC] Aniket Bajaj
14:00 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
14:00 [PH4202 (Advanced Stat Mech)] Pradeep Kumar Mohanty
14:00 BM1 Lab Meet
14:30 [Pre-Submission Seminar] Mr Soumik Aon (16RS050) (IISER-K)
14:30 [extra class] Satyaki Mazumder
15:30 [RPC] Ms. Poulami Sarkar
16:00 Meeting with HE
17:00 PM Lab Meet
17:30 AFML group meeting
19:00 CH4215 Class
21:00 RB Lab Meet
09:00 [PB workshop] PB workshop
10:30 [RPC] SDS
11:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. Amit Ghosal
11:00 Instt.Innovation Committee Meeting
11:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Soureek Mitra (Karlsruhe University)
12:00 PD lab meet
14:00 [Learning Seminar on Modular Forms] Dr. Soumya Bhattacharya (IISER Kolkata)
14:30 DC lab meet
14:30 [Pre-Submission Seminar] Mr. Debabrata Samanta, Roll No. 18RS023 (IISER-K)
14:45 [Maths Club Talk] Dr. Swarnendu Datta
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
15:00 [Group Meeting] Dr. Arindam Kundagrami
15:00 SC / ST / OBC and Equal Opportunity
15:30 [RPC] Ms. Medha Roy Choudhury
16:00 [Institute Colloquium] Prof. Pratyush Tiwary (University of Maryland)
17:30 [LS1201 Extra Class] Mohit Prasad
17:30 Program to birth anniversary Netaji
18:00 [CH3206 CT1 answer sheets checking] Sayan Bhattacharyya
18:00 Student interaction session (DoIRO)
08:45 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
09:00 [PB workshop] PB workshop
10:00 MA3201 Class
10:15 SDS group meeting
11:00 [DMS seminar] Vaibhav Kumar Jena (TIFR, CAM)
13:00 [AG lab meeting] AG lab meeting
14:00 [Space Astronomy SS4202 class] Dibyendu Nandi
14:00 CH4215 Tutorial
14:30 Transport Committee Meeting
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Anirban Basak (Dept of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay)
14:30 [Earth-The Journal Club Student talk] Ms. Padmaja J (IISER Kolkata)
15:00 MD Lab Meet
15:00 ICC Meeting
15:30 [DMS seminar] Biltu Dan (Indian Institute of Science)
16:00 [CH4204] Sumit Khanra
16:00 DC lab meet
16:00 [DBS Seminar] Dr. Srijit Das (Assistant Research Scientist, University of Iowa, USA)
17:00 AB Lab Meet
18:45 Gravitational Wave Session
10:00 [Pre-submission seminar] Pramod Kumar (PI: Biplab Maji) (IISER-K)
10:00 RD Lab Meeting
11:00 AD Lab meet
11:00 High energy Physics Group discussion
13:30 MD Lab Meet
14:00 [Group Meeting] Prof. P. K. Mohanty
14:00 CH4201 Tutorial
14:00 DSK Lab Meeting
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Jayita Lahiri (DESY, Germany)
15:00 [A talk on Career Choices] Dr. Aditya Parekh (former Associate Director of IndiaBioscience and Co-Founder of FaFaFo company)
16:00 BM1 Lab Meet
16:00 [Pre-Submission Open Seminar] Mr. Sovan Niyogi (IISER Kolkata)
16:00 [Pre-Submission Open Seminar] Mr. Sovan Niyogi (IISER Kolkata)
17:00 [CH3202 Extra Class] Dibyendu Das
19:00 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
14:00 RB Lab Meet
18:00 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
18:00 RS Lab Meet
18:00 Literary Club of IISER Kolkata
11:00 Skm lab meet
11:00 Prof. A K Roy Lab's Group Meeting
14:00 RKV Lab Meet
16:30 [Venkat lab group meeting] Venkat
17:00 AB Lab Meet
18:00 Literary Club of IISER Kolkata
14:00 Slashdot Coding and Design Club
18:00 Literary Club of IISER Kolkata
08:45 [STED workshope] STED workshope
11:00 comprehensive exam for spring 2023 p
11:00 CaSH Meeting
11:00 Cluster meeting
11:00 SDS group meeting
14:00 [PH4202 (Advanced Stat Mech)] Pradeep Kumar Mohanty
14:00 [Group meeting Dibyendu Das] Dibyendu Das
14:00 PM Lab Meet
15:00 Meeting (IWD Office)
15:00 BM1 Lab Meet
15:00 Medical
15:00 [STED workshope] STED workshope
16:30 School Committee Meeting
17:00 [LS3203 Class Test] Rituparna Sinha Roy
17:00 [Pedagogic talk] Dr. Indranil Sarkar (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali)
17:15 CaSH Meeting
17:30 AFML group meeting
19:00 Smart Laundry System for the Hostel
08:30 [STED workshope] STED workshope
11:00 STED Workshop
11:00 [STED workshop] STED workshop
11:30 comprehensive exam for spring 2023 p
12:00 NIRF Meeting
12:00 [STED workshope] STED workshope
14:00 Awareness Workshop
14:30 Meeting by ADoIRO
14:30 [Research talk] Dr. Indranil Sarkar (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali)
15:00 DSK Lab Meeting
16:00 [General talk - touching upon history] Prof. L S SHASHIDHARA
16:00 [Learning Seminar in Modular Forms] Soumya Bhattacharya (DMS, IISER Kolkata)
17:00 BM1 Lab Meet
17:30 STED workshop - Image analysis
21:00 RB Lab Meet
21:00 Chess Club of IISER Kolkata
08:30 [STED workshope] STED workshope
08:45 [BM Lab Meeting] bm
09:00 CH4201 class test
10:00 MA3201 Class
11:00 [STED workshope] STED workshope
12:00 [STED Workshope] STED Workshope
12:15 [PhD evaluation of Soumilya De] Soumilya De (CDS)
14:00 [DES Seminar] Dr. Jyotirmoy Paul (University of Bayreuth)
14:00 CH4215 Tutorial
14:00 [Reviewing the assistant professor ap] Prof. Bipul Pal
14:00 [RV lab meeting] RV lab meeting
14:30 [DPS Seminar] Dr. Tamal Basak (Indian Center for Space Physics, Kolkata)
15:00 [CH3202 Extra Class] Dibyendu Das
16:00 [DBS Seminar] Mr. Paresh Rana (IISER-K Alumni) (PhD student, Allshire Lab, Institute of Cell Biology, Uiversity of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK)
16:15 STED workshop - Image analysis modul
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 [LS1201 Class Test] Mohit Prasad
17:00 AB Lab Meet